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Drive Engagement With Facebook Posts

by Desi Angelova /  Useful Resources

A list of the most engaging types of Facebook posts with examples.


A Few years ago, businesses across the globe saw the opportunity to increase brand awareness, build trust and convert fans into sales by engaging with people on Facebook. It is inevitable for well known brands to cross your path many times within the social networks! Well known brands follow people and engage with them in many aspects of their lives.


Your content needs to be relevant and engaging to cut through the noise. The strategy here is to warm up your relationship with potential customers, getting to know them and build a personal relationship. The more you connect with customers in a personal way, the more likely they are to buy from you. So be personal, be engaging and it helps to be a little funny as well.





Images are the number one most engaging type of post you can make on  social networking sites. The rule here is to use high resolution and interesting images. Use the customer's “why” - why should it be interesting to your fans and connect to people on an emotional level?


Put real situations in your images. As a general rule, people are more attracted to real people or real situations. Create magnetic content that is credible, trustworthy and transparent to improve online visibility, brand awareness and thus it will eventually lead to more sales.


Relate images to your product by branding or figuratively connect images to your brand. Create fun and appealing images that connect to everyday life. In fact, it's amazing how Oreo is showing their product without actually selling it. The image is visually appealing and it appeals to both women and men, it connects to people. As you may see the post is performing very well – It has 405 shares, 5,279 likes and more than 269 comments.


Engaging facebook posts: images


Could you miss this one? A cute baby pushing you about getting on Viber. Use people to approach your fans, this will make your images much more real.


Another company that has an amazing strategy to engage people is Intel.


Engaging facebook posts: images


This is an interesting image creating a metaphor between the rising factor of cyberattacks on mobile phones and the milk carton campaigns. The image creates visually appealing content, approaches customers and gives them a solution to a problem. 


Take note that both Intel and Viber have branded their images. Thus, if the image is shared, there will be no arguing where it originates from and it will enhance brand awareness as well as online visibility. 



People prefer to watch, not to read. It takes less time and effort to watch and they can do it during lunch or when on a break. Posting video tips, webinars and video ads is a great way to reach out to potential customers and requires very little effort from them.



One way to bring the conversation to your page is by posting questions. If you want people to comment, then ask them a question. Remember that short and simple questions usually perform better. Again, use emotional connections and relate it to your brand.


Engaging facebook posts: questions


A modified version of questions are fill in the blank type of posts. Asking fans to fill in a one word answer is really enticing and engaging.


Engaging facebook posts: fill in the blank



These types of posts tend to build trust and will position you as an authority or expert.


Pottery Barn is a home décor company that sells furniture and home decoration. They also love to give people ideas on how to make their homes cozy, stylish and perfect. Every Tuesday they post a useful tip on home decoration and inspire thousands of people. It’s free advice from an expert to their fans to create appreciation.


Here is the Tuesday Tip from February 18th. They say that the bottom of your lighting should hang at least 30-inches above your tabletop. So simple and so right!

Engaging facebook posts: tips


Another post made by Pottery Barn gives you an idea on how to create a cozy spot for sitting or storage in your bedroom. They love it, so why shouldn’t you?!


Engaging facebook posts: tips and advices


Their posts are so successful and engaging because they provide knowledge from a real expert. They GIVE ADVICE because they CARE for their fans!


Pottery Barn really hit the bullseye with their social networking strategy. Also most of their posts do not try to sell directly. 


I liked them on Facebook because they provided good ideas and advice on home decoration. Anyway, at some point if I need to buy furniture or decorations, who would you think I will entrust with this mission?? Of course, Pottery Barn, because I already know they really knows theses staff. 



Promotions, giveaways and contests that motivate people to comment, like or share can be really engaging because of the incentives you give to people. 



Post quick interesting facts or engage your brand into the news of the day. People like interesting facts because sharing your content makes them look knowledgeable and smart in front of their friends. Keep it brand related and also capture the event excitement, influence at the emotional level.


Engaging facebook posts: interesting facts



Posts connected to events and holidays can be really engaging because they are are timely, emotional and appealing. They influence peoples emotions and capture the excitement of the event. See the example of Intel's post during the Super Bowl. 


Engaging facebook posts: catch the event excitement



Show your appreciation to customers and let them know they are valued. You may share fan photos or mention fans in your posts, engage influential customers and acknowledge the value of top blogger reviews.


Whatever tactics and strategy you decide to embrace, the first and the most important thing is to understand your audience. Understand people’s lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes, then craft your messages to serve them and engage them.


Remember that your content needs to be relevant and engaging to cut through the noise. Don’t try to sell directly, touch on emotional levels, be timely and appreciate fans.

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