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  • Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each

Questions & Answers

Need a quick solution for some of our scripts?

With the help of our Customer Support team, we have selected the most common questions and queries about our PHP tools. Please, note that they may also refer to previous versions of our products. If you have any other concerns, don’t hold back to contact us for further assistance!

Questions & Answers

Latest Questions

Question #9 / received on 12th January, 2016

Which hash algorithm's are used, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 or bcrypt, etc.. and does 'salt' plays a role in de hashing?

Member Login Script

Yes the salt is used for the script passwords. Some of our systems used SHA1, others MD5 and some scripts AES.

Question #8 / received on 8th January, 2016

Question about your login script. I’m looking for something a bit extended, that works like this:

website admin needs a secured page, where he can fill in a customers email address, his name, and a “timeframe” and has to click on “send”
His customer gets, by this action, a predefined mail (always the same mail, to be created in a back-end enviroment) adressed to him (name filled in in the form) and a (random created) password that gives him acces to password protected info (html on the website) for as long that the timeframe was indicated on that admin form.

It is handy to acces in the backed the list with emails and names (maybe a resend button if client looses his mail) for later commercial actions

Do you have that kind of php-script in your portfolio? Or can you adjust an excisting script to do that. If so what would the cost be for that?

Member Login Script

The Member Login script can be used for the purpose but it will require some modifications.
If I understand properly there will be no "registration", the accounts will be added and handled manually by the admin. Ans there will be no payment for membership. Is that correct?

This script, however, can protect .php pages, it uses a piece of php code that has to be inserted on top of the page so it can be protected. What is the page that you want to protect? Do you use any CMS to manage the website pages or their source code can be edited directly using a text editor?

Question #7 / received on 5th January, 2016

Is it possible to have users dropped into their own specific subdomain upon successful login? i.e. John Smith logs in and gets dropped into johnsmith.mycompanysite.com (or something custom they specified when they set up their account like 'reddragon.mycompanysite.com)

Member Login Script

The member login script provide access to already protect php pages, that are with the same domain name as it is used for the script installation. The system does not create protected pages and can not be installed on one domain name and used on sub-domain or other domain name.

Question #6 / received on 4th January, 2016

I just installed oneADMIN on a website with 2 scripts, but every time I switch scripts it keeps logging me out and I have to log back in every time.

Member Login Script

The email added in the One Admin option was with one empty space after it. We have remove this empty space and now everything should be fine.

Please, check and let us know if you still have problems.

Note: please, clear all your browser cashe before the testing.

Question #5 / received on 4th January, 2016

I ready Squarespace doesn't allow PHP but it doesn't hurt to try. Like you can see there I already have a login and register form but I really do not like it. I feel is too complicated and client's cannot reset their passwords. I do have the functionality to add them myself but once they forget their password they have to come to me and from that it can take hours to days until I respond and by then I might have lost a potential sale.

I know is a long shot but do you think you can check and see if this can be installed on my website?

Member Login Script

No, I am sorry. This script cannot be used on a squarespace website. Squarespace CMS does not provide a real hosting account that supports PHP and MySQL databases. The protection code also will not work on a website built on this CMS or other similar online website builder.

Question #4 / received on 2nd January, 2016

I'll love to purchase your Member login script but I have no idea as how to install it. Also, I am wondering if members apply for membership and they get approved by me or if they are immediately members after applying for membership? I need something where I can personally accept applicants and deny or accept them based on certain criteria.
Also, are members able to reset their passwords if they forgot the ones they chose?

Would you be able to install this script for me?

I know too many questions but I had to get all of this out of the way! lol. I'm extremely interested in your script as I feel the one I have now does not meet my needs. My domain is with GoDaddy and my hosting is with Squarespace

Let me know if you can help me with the installation please.

Member Login Script

We provide one free installation per script, so if you want we will install it for you.
Members have to pay fee to register. Once they pay the amount they can login immediately without approve from master admin. If you want to have such functionality though it is not a problem for us to add it. Do you want members to just apply for membership on your website, not pay anything and you will personally approve or decline their registration?

There is "Forgot Password" functionality integrated by default.

One think we would like to add. Note that this script can protect only PHP pages. If you are not sure if it can work for your website, please send us URL to it and we will take a look.

Question #3 / received on 18th January, 2016

I just wanted to know where to remove Bedroom, & min & max, Bathrooms & Min & max, and Floor Area & Min & Max from the front layout view as I do not need them. If you can tell me where they are and can probably remove them

Member Login Script

You can take a look at /templates/layout1/elements/search.php file. Removing some fields still requires changes to script code and as advised we do not provide free support for making changes yourself.

Question #2 / received on 1st January, 2016

How can I encrypt the source for php protected pages? Can I do that?

Member Login Script

PHP code cannot be seen by your website visitors no matter if it is protected via our script or not. Your website visitors can only see the HTML code for your generated web pages.

Question #1 / received on 8th January, 2016

Could you tell me how much it would be to upgrade this modified version of the forum to your latest version of the forum?

Member Login Script

As per our license agreement you can obtain the new version with 50% discount. Please, note that the new version uses completely different database structure and files and upgrading your current installations will not be possible. You will have to make a new installation using the new version. Also, any custom modifications made to your current installation are not included in the new version that you will download. If you want to keep the modifications we will have to reapply them and will have to charge you for this.

Commercial PHP Scripts

Limo Booking Software

Limo Booking Software

Our limo reservation system will help you manage your limo service online business.

Pet Listing Script

Pet Listing Script

A simple PHP classifieds script for managing pet classifieds websites.

PHP Auction Script

PHP Auction Script

Our auction software will help you turn your website into an online bidding marketplace.

Taxi Booking Script

Taxi Booking Script

Get our Taxi Booking Script to let your clients reserve a cab and request extra services on your website.

PHP Gallery Script

PHP Gallery Script

An image gallery script for creating unlimited stylish photo galleries.

Property Listing Script

Property Listing Script

A multivendor real estate PHP script for managing real estate classifieds websites.

Vacation Rental Script

Vacation Rental Script

Web-based vacation rental software for managing property rental classified ads online.

Product Comparison Script

Product Comparison Script

Compare multiple items and embed product comparison tables onto any website.