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  • Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each

Questions & Answers

Need a quick solution for some of our scripts?

With the help of our Customer Support team, we have selected the most common questions and queries about our PHP tools. Please, note that they may also refer to previous versions of our products. If you have any other concerns, don’t hold back to contact us for further assistance!

Questions & Answers

Latest Questions

Question #54 / received on 4th January, 2016

I teach a class and I am currently working on my website to advertise and give a tutorial and pre-quiz potential students. Upon passing the pre-quiz I would like to use your event planning software to book the classes etc and keep up with number of seats available etc.

I wanted to know if I could have customization to read a MySql table of pre-qualified students for a specific class\event and have them be able to login to your Event booking front end but only be allowed to view or book classes/events the were pre-qualifed for.

Is this something we can add and roughly what would the cost be to modify?

Event Booking Calendar

We will be able to make these changes, but we need to see the tables first. Can you send us a sample of the table(s) with students here.

Do you want only logged students to be able to book classes? Are there any limitations? Do you charge for bookings, or not?

Do you want to define which events to which students apply, or events are available to students as a group of events.

Question #53 / received on 4th January, 2016

The Yellow pages script runs ok installed on a subdomain?

Business Directory Script

The system will work fine on any domain name or sub domain name, but please, note that the front-end part should be integrated on php page with the same domain/subdomain name as it is used for the script installation to work properly.

Question #52 / received on 4th January, 2016

I want to buy Yellow pages script and I want to ask if this script suports Google Adsense advertising, banners and Paypal quick checkout.

Business Directory Script

By default the system does not support Google Adsense advertising or banners.

You can add Google Adsense directly to the page where the script is added on. The other option is to edit the script source code. Please, note that only with Developer licence you will have access to the source code (excluding our framework) and you can make modifications. You can see how our source code look like here:

If you are familiar with PHP you should be able to do this yourself. If not we can give you quote for this.

About the Paypal option - by default the system support PayPal payment that the listing owner can use to publish their listings on your website.

You can check that on the Admin Panel demo here:


The paid periods are listed under the Options menu - Submissions tab.

Question #51 / received on 3rd January, 2016

Hie i just wanted to know how long the license duration is and what happens after its purpotedly expired for the bus revervation system
secondly is it possible to tie it to a merchant account as i am intending on using this a s an ecommerce platform for my buisness model

Bus Reservation System

Once ordered you can use the script licence as long as you need.
There is no expired time.

By default the system uses PayPal and Authorize.net online payments, so if you have an accounts in those payment getaways you will be able to take online payments.

You can check the Admin Panel demo under the demo tab here:


The payment options are under the Settings menu - Booking tab - Settings tab.

Question #50 / received on 3rd January, 2016

I want to know how i can to modificate one of your free templates with which program? the zip contains only psd files no html or php or something else. I want to change some images and informations and then to publish it. with the car rental script.

Car Rental Script

The free templates are Photoshop files. They are basically images. You cna open them with Photoshop and change everything inside, but to make a website out of this you will have to slice it and write the HTML,CSS and Javascript code yourself.

If you are interested in Car rental website what we can offer is to take a look at those ready made solutions:


Question #49 / received on 2nd January, 2016

The fundraiser script can this be used to send money to paypal instantly?

Fundraising Script

You can use this script to accept donations and clients can pay with Paypal.

Question #48 / received on 2nd January, 2016

This script has digital payment online?
What is the cost of this script to be used by me here in Brazil?
If possible, what would be the cost of developing a website for me in the model that I have as a reference in Brazil?

Auto Classifieds Script

Since you are looking for full website solution have you checked our offers on www.vevs.com:

There is special section for car listing websites. We can also customize them to meet your needs.

Question #47 / received on 17th January, 2016

I'm thinking about upgrading the shopping cart to the developers version. What about the changes I already made? I did a lot of changes already.
I did changes in translations (Dutch), colors of 'theme 3', categories, products, etc.

STIVA Shopping Cart

We can send you the script, but you will have to keep your changes. For this you should know which files exactly you have changed.

The translations are stored in the database, so this won't get affected when you update the script, but any changes to the code will have to be reapplied.

Question #46 / received on 8th January, 2016

Where can I find the recommended dimensions of the product images? 72dpi - jpg - height?px x width?px

STIVA Shopping Cart

You can find the images sizes in the app/config/options.inc.php file.

Commercial PHP Scripts

Service Booking Script

Service Booking Script

Install a smart service scheduling software on your site and manage online bookings!

Limo Booking Software

Limo Booking Software

Our limo reservation system will help you manage your limo service online business.

Interactive Floor Plan

Interactive Floor Plan

A smart floor plan tool for real estate and public facilities websites.

Document Creator

Document Creator

Generate standard documents for multiple customers using predefined templates.

PHP Comment Script

PHP Comment Script

Set up a comment box and allow your visitors post their comments.

STIVA Blog Script

STIVA Blog Script

Bootstrap and start managing a web blog with our easy-to-use PHP/MySQL blog software.

PHP Survey Script

PHP Survey Script

Embed a clever online survey tool into your website and conduct your own polls.

Travel Tours Script

Travel Tours Script

A PHP travel script for publishing and managing holiday packages and travel deals.