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  • Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each

Questions & Answers

Need a quick solution for some of our scripts?

With the help of our Customer Support team, we have selected the most common questions and queries about our PHP tools. Please, note that they may also refer to previous versions of our products. If you have any other concerns, don’t hold back to contact us for further assistance!

Questions & Answers

Latest Questions

Question #63 / received on 4th January, 2016

I want hide the line who says " DEPOSIT " if possible i want chance DEPOSIT as Shipping Cost ! with a editable Fix Price

Ticket Booking Script

No, the deposit is calculated as a percent of the total amount. It cannot be changed to be shipping cost. It will require code changes.

You can hide this line in this php file - app/views/pjFront/elements/layout_1/checkout.php

For the shipping cost - please, provide more details how this fee will be calculated.

Question #62 / received on 4th January, 2016

I see on my Server at the root from the Ticket booking Script the option:

how it works - it is possible to remove some Countries an add new one ?

Ticket Booking Script

If you add this to the URL for the script folder:
while you are logged into the script administration panel you can modify the country list.

Question #61 / received on 4th January, 2016

Regarding the car rentals script, we're trying to create in the custom rates a way of having the first hour at £75 and then £50 afterwards.

So for two hours it would be £125. Whereas the only way of doing on the current script is either £75 per hour or £50 per hour.

Can you help with this?

Car Rental Script

By default, you can add custom rate if one hour only is booked, but there is no option to add different price only for the first hour/day. This option can be added as custom change.

Question #60 / received on 8th January, 2016

Thanks, installation is elegant and easy. I'm afraid I found a problematic logic for my project: Room Capacity - adults/children - if you set 2 adults + 1 child as max capacity, but the guest searches for one adult + 2 children that room type will not be displayed in the search results. Probably there should be implemented in the script all possible combinations adults/children, not exceeding room's total capacity. I even prefer to disable 'children' at all, but I couldn't find if it is possible by the Admin interface.

Hotel Booking System

The initial search form checks if all available rooms in the system can accommodate the number of people (children + adults) the user is searching for. For example, if you search for one adult and two children it will also list as available rooms that can accommodate one adult and one children if there are more than one such room (although it is not likely to put a child alone in a room). We mean that the script does not check for rooms that can accommodate exactly one adult and two children.
It works like this to give an option of selecting multiple rooms and not only one room for all the people.

If you still need the change to disable the children option - we can provide a quote for this. Unfortunately, it is not possible to disable the children drop-down in the script administration panel. It will require code changes.

Question #59 / received on 4th January, 2016

If I understand your point there will be 3 installations (because I need 3 languages - bg, en, ru). So I'll have 3 frontends (and 3 different admin pages) to the same database? Probably is better to install the script in different directories (which is OK with my structure)?

Hotel Booking System

No, we do not mean three different installations. It will be one installation using single database. Under the "Install" menu in the script administration panel you will be able to select language and depending on the selected language different integration code for the front-end part will be generated. It will be one piece of javascript code for English and different one for Bulgarian language, for example. If you use the code for the English language the script will be displayed in English, if you use the code for the Bulgarian language it will be displayed on the page in Bulgarian and so on.
We will pass different parameter for every language to the file that loads the front-end form. Thus different integration code will be generated per language.

You will have to make the translation yourself because we do not offer translated packages.

Question #58 / received on 4th January, 2016

I wander if book.html accepts input parameters (link to: book.html#language=bg) - I need to set language prior to loading the page?

Hotel Booking System

No, the page cannot accept such parameters. The script loads the default language set in the administration panel (under Options-->Languages menu).

We can add separate installation code per language. There will be no language selector in this case.
Will this work for you or you need to pass the language as parameter to the page?

Question #57 / received on 5th January, 2016

To import mail number para excel in copy / paste this does not work

PHP Newsletter Script

Please follow these steps and try again:

1. Download the Simple CSV file from the Admin Panel.

2. Fill all your data in this simple csv file, selects the data and copy it.

3. Paste all the data in your Admin Panel and click on Import button.

We were able to import the example subscriber without problems. Please, check again and let us know if everything is fine

Question #56 / received on 4th January, 2016

Do you have in Russian language?

Vacation Rental Script

You can translate your website to Russian via the administration page. Unfortunately, we do not have ready translation but can help you with adding all titles in Russin. Let us know if you need help. I will highly recommend signing up for a free trial so you can test how it works. Let us know if you need any help.

Question #55 / received on 4th January, 2016

Can the appointment scheduler show a calendar with the booked appointments?
Like the "dashboard" in the admin page but for the public view.
Or could the "PHP Event Calendar" be combined with the "Appointment Scheduler"?
If so, how to integrate both scripts?

Appointment Scheduler

On the dashboard page - the administrator can check all the reservations and their details. The clients should not check the booking details, right? Do you need separate integration code for the dashboard page? Please, explain how exactly you need the dashboard pubic view and send us some screenshots or draws, so we can understand you better and provide you a proper solution.

Be default the scripts are standalone products and they use their own MYSQL database tables. They can be combined editing the source code. If you are interested in modifications, please let us know which is the data, that should be used from the both scripts and how exactly you need to combine the systems. We will review all the information and after that will be able to provide you a quote.

The other options in to order a Developer licence. With developer licence you will receive the script with access to its source code (excluding our framework) and you can make modifications. You can see how our source code look like here:


Commercial PHP Scripts

Equipment Rental Script

Equipment Rental Script

Build your own ecommerce platform for renting a wide range of equipment tools.

Star Rating Script

Star Rating Script

A PHP rating system to show star rating bars on your web pages.

Cinema Booking System

Cinema Booking System

Let your clients select and book seats and pay for tickets online.

PHP Review Script

PHP Review Script

The PHP Review Script is a web tool that lets you enable customers to review products and services.

Night Club Booking Software

Night Club Booking Software

A smart club booking system that allows clients to reserve booths and order extras online.

PHP Comment Script

PHP Comment Script

Set up a comment box and allow your visitors post their comments.

Class Scheduling System

Class Scheduling System

Add a smart course scheduling system on your site and take online bookings.

Callback Widget

Callback Widget

Place a discreet request callback button on your website and interact with your leads.