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Questions & Answers

Need a quick solution for some of our scripts?

With the help of our Customer Support team, we have selected the most common questions and queries about our PHP tools. Please, note that they may also refer to previous versions of our products. If you have any other concerns, don’t hold back to contact us for further assistance!

Questions & Answers

Latest Questions

Question #72 / received on 7th January, 2016

Noticed that you have the same issue with the Invoicing facility that you also have in your Shopping Application. Last year, we installed your Shop Solution for a client and the correct Invoice number was not being displayed in the back-end, as well as when viewing or printing an Invoice. Also, the system was not automatically bringing over the product options (Extras in the Booking system) when creating, viewing or printing an Invoice. You fixed these at the time. Can you please confirm if this is just an issue with the demo version I am using on your site or is it something that you are unaware off. The correct Invoice number displays properly when viewing a list of Invoices against a Booking and is sequential.

Hotel Booking System

1. Regarding the invoices number - it is corrected in the version available for download.

Just under Booking-->Invoices menu the sequential numbers are no displayed, only the reservation ID is displayed there but we can add a column for the invoice number too. On the print/view invoice it is displayed properly.

2. Yes, by default this script does not allow the same day reservations. We can allow the same day reservations but it will require some code changes and we can make this for a fee only.

3. The initial search form checks if all available rooms in the system can accommodate the number of people (children + adults) the user is searching for. For example if you search for 1 adult and 2 children it will also list as available rooms that can accommodate 1 adult and 1 children if there are more than one such room (although it is not likely to put a child alone in a room). We mean that the script does not check for rooms that can accommodate exactly 1 adult and 2 children. It works like this to give option of selecting multiple rooms and not only one room for all the people.

Question #71 / received on 6th January, 2016

Can you please confirm the quickest way the Administrator can generate an Invoice for an outstanding balance. For example, the visitor booked online and paid the deposit due. At this stage, I understand the system automatically generates an Invoice for the deposit. When the visitor check-outs, the Hotel Owner / Adminstrator will want to generate a final Invoice for the total amount, including details of the deposit. Currently, I can't see how this can be easily achieved. The Administrator has to go to the individual booking and raise a manual Invoice and enter all the relevant currency values in the fields i.e. re-keying information that is already held in the system. I thought it would have been better for the Administrator to click a link somewhere on the Booking and have the Invoice automatically generated, also showing the amount still to pay.

Hotel Booking System

You have to go on the edit booking page, then clcik on the Invoices tab. You will see a button to generate invoice for balance payment. This is the quickest way.

Question #70 / received on 5th January, 2016

Over the next month, we will be focused on approaching small Hotels and Bed & Breakfasts, to find out if they are interested in your Hotel Booking system. We will be including details of the system on our website, together with a video demonstration.

However, after looking through the Admin back-end, I was surprised that the Hotel owner is unable to select an existing client from the database when entering a manual booking themselves. Typically, small businesses have repeat clients and it would be much easier for the hotel owner to select from the client database. Currently, they have to re-enter all the contact details each time a booking is made. Can you please confirm if you are planning to add this facility in the back-end?

Hotel Booking System

Yes, there is no such option in the script. The client details have to be entered each time.

We will consider this as suggestion for improvement but at this stage we cannot say if it will be added to the script in near future.

Question #69 / received on 5th January, 2016

Where can i change at the Property Listing Script the sqm into m² ?

Property Listing Script

You can edit this in one of the tables in the MySQL database - "property_listing_options". Just edit the value for "o_floor_metric".

Question #68 / received on 5th January, 2016

May I ask, how can we remove the installation setup so that if we transferred the updated system on other PC, it will not produce hash codes and it will run the system alone.

Bus Reservation System

If you need to move your installation on other server or domain name - just have to contact us and we will send you detailed steps with explanations how exactly to do it. If you have problems - we can always assist you.

Question #67 / received on 5th January, 2016

I want to add the posibillity to my clients to add a store without login, from the front-end and the system put that store like "inactive", so the admin will check and activate it from the backend. And in the form to add the store I want add other input (Code of Client/Store). (Sorry my little english, is not my native language)

Store Locator

By default, only users with admin and editor role can add stores. Do you mean that you need the "Add Store" form to be accessible to visitors of the website so that they can add their own stores also? See the attached file.

We can modify the system for you, but to be able to provide you with a quote, please provide some more details:

Do you need separate integration code for the Add store form, so that you can integrate it on some of your website pages or it will be part of the existing front-end part?

What if the category that the user needs does not exist? Do you want the user to be able to be able to enter new category and master admin will add it to the system and assign the store to it?

Do you think that additional users role /for example owners/ will be a better option or you prefer all the users to be able to add stores? We can create owner accounts that will be able to register via the front-end part and to add (manage) only their stores.

Because if we just allow anyone to enter store what happens if that person wants to change some details. For example update the phone number or email?

Question #66 / received on 5th January, 2016

THe site does not support SQL and PHP scripting. I will have to look for an alternative

Make An Offer Widget

We offer remotely hosted service for the script. The fee is yearly. Please, check this page:

In this case, we will install the package on our server. We will send you URL and login details for the administration panel. We will also send a piece of javascript code that has to be inserted on the page on which you want the widget to be displayed.

Question #65 / received on 4th January, 2016

I do not understand the difference between install the script on the server and integrate it on my website. After you integrate it on the server do I need to do anything else for it to be used on my site? Will there be a link or a button on my site or do I have to do that? Is there a widget that I have to install on my site for it to be used? Please explain

Make An Offer Widget

The script package has to be uploaded and installed in a separate folder on your server. After the script installation you will have only Admin Panel similar like on our demo. You can check it under the Demo tab here:


The second part is the front-end integration:

Once logged in your Admin Panel after the script installation you can see the front-end integration code under the Install menu. See the attached file. /Select a product and get its install code/

You can integrate the front-end part on any page from your website. Just have to copy the install code and paste it on the page where you need it to appear.

You do not need anything else, but please be sure that your server account meets the script requirements. It has to support MYSQL 5.1 or more and PHP 5.1 or more.

You can check the script requirements here:


Let us know if you have any other questions.

Question #64 / received on 4th January, 2016

How long will it take to install this script on my site? Also, when an offer is made is an email generated from the offerer or do I have log into some app to see the offers made. I am currently using pricewaiter and thought of switching. I am looking at the lower price plan you have. Hoping to hear back from you.

Make An Offer Widget

We will be able to install the script on the server within 24 hours after the purchase. However please note that we will not integrate the script into your website - we will just install it on the server so you can start using it.

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Make An Offer Widget

Make An Offer Widget

With our Make An Offer Widget clients can suggest prices for your products and services.

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An image gallery script for creating unlimited stylish photo galleries.