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Questions & Answers

Need a quick solution for some of our scripts?

With the help of our Customer Support team, we have selected the most common questions and queries about our PHP tools. Please, note that they may also refer to previous versions of our products. If you have any other concerns, don’t hold back to contact us for further assistance!

Questions & Answers

Latest Questions

Question #9 / received on 6th January, 2016

Can you please confirm the quickest way the Administrator can generate an Invoice for an outstanding balance. For example, the visitor booked online and paid the deposit due. At this stage, I understand the system automatically generates an Invoice for the deposit. When the visitor check-outs, the Hotel Owner / Adminstrator will want to generate a final Invoice for the total amount, including details of the deposit. Currently, I can't see how this can be easily achieved. The Administrator has to go to the individual booking and raise a manual Invoice and enter all the relevant currency values in the fields i.e. re-keying information that is already held in the system. I thought it would have been better for the Administrator to click a link somewhere on the Booking and have the Invoice automatically generated, also showing the amount still to pay.

Hotel Booking System

You have to go on the edit booking page, then clcik on the Invoices tab. You will see a button to generate invoice for balance payment. This is the quickest way.

Question #8 / received on 5th January, 2016

Over the next month, we will be focused on approaching small Hotels and Bed & Breakfasts, to find out if they are interested in your Hotel Booking system. We will be including details of the system on our website, together with a video demonstration.

However, after looking through the Admin back-end, I was surprised that the Hotel owner is unable to select an existing client from the database when entering a manual booking themselves. Typically, small businesses have repeat clients and it would be much easier for the hotel owner to select from the client database. Currently, they have to re-enter all the contact details each time a booking is made. Can you please confirm if you are planning to add this facility in the back-end?

Hotel Booking System

Yes, there is no such option in the script. The client details have to be entered each time.

We will consider this as suggestion for improvement but at this stage we cannot say if it will be added to the script in near future.

Question #7 / received on 8th January, 2016

Thanks, installation is elegant and easy. I'm afraid I found a problematic logic for my project: Room Capacity - adults/children - if you set 2 adults + 1 child as max capacity, but the guest searches for one adult + 2 children that room type will not be displayed in the search results. Probably there should be implemented in the script all possible combinations adults/children, not exceeding room's total capacity. I even prefer to disable 'children' at all, but I couldn't find if it is possible by the Admin interface.

Hotel Booking System

The initial search form checks if all available rooms in the system can accommodate the number of people (children + adults) the user is searching for. For example, if you search for one adult and two children it will also list as available rooms that can accommodate one adult and one children if there are more than one such room (although it is not likely to put a child alone in a room). We mean that the script does not check for rooms that can accommodate exactly one adult and two children.
It works like this to give an option of selecting multiple rooms and not only one room for all the people.

If you still need the change to disable the children option - we can provide a quote for this. Unfortunately, it is not possible to disable the children drop-down in the script administration panel. It will require code changes.

Question #6 / received on 4th January, 2016

If I understand your point there will be 3 installations (because I need 3 languages - bg, en, ru). So I'll have 3 frontends (and 3 different admin pages) to the same database? Probably is better to install the script in different directories (which is OK with my structure)?

Hotel Booking System

No, we do not mean three different installations. It will be one installation using single database. Under the "Install" menu in the script administration panel you will be able to select language and depending on the selected language different integration code for the front-end part will be generated. It will be one piece of javascript code for English and different one for Bulgarian language, for example. If you use the code for the English language the script will be displayed in English, if you use the code for the Bulgarian language it will be displayed on the page in Bulgarian and so on.
We will pass different parameter for every language to the file that loads the front-end form. Thus different integration code will be generated per language.

You will have to make the translation yourself because we do not offer translated packages.

Question #5 / received on 4th January, 2016

I wander if book.html accepts input parameters (link to: book.html#language=bg) - I need to set language prior to loading the page?

Hotel Booking System

No, the page cannot accept such parameters. The script loads the default language set in the administration panel (under Options-->Languages menu).

We can add separate installation code per language. There will be no language selector in this case.
Will this work for you or you need to pass the language as parameter to the page?

Question #4 / received on 13th January, 2016

But server site some files & folders permission lock, wull not edit to 777

Can just upload files & change the path?

PJ_INSTALLATION remain same as my local wamp server?

Hotel Booking System

Yes, please set write permissions to the following files and folders vie File Manager option in your Control Panel :


app/web/upload folder and all its sub-folders
app/web/invoices folder
app/web/backup folder

If you need assistance with the write permissions, please provide an URL for your Hosting Control Panel and we will set them for you.

Question #3 / received on 8th January, 2016

But for the invoice, can we show the booking details?

Hotel Booking System

You can see the available tokes for invoices under Options->Invoice->Template tab.

If you want us custom change for extra fee we can add additional tokens.

Question #2 / received on 5th January, 2016

Two questions: you have created a modified version of the system for me.
Do I just copy and replace the existing files to update the system?

Is there a simple way of including the room description information in the email confirmation we send out?

Hotel Booking System

1. No, it will not be enough to just replace the files because there are some database updates that have to be applied. We can update the installation for you. Just let us know.

2. Do you mean that you want to include the text from the "description" field on the add/edit room page - screenshot attached?
It can be made but it will require some code changes. We can provide quote for this.

3. The SMS service we offer is paid additionally. The fee is monthly. You can see what payment plans are available here:

The script can send sms notifications to the administrator when new reservation is made and when new payment is made. Is this what you need or you want also some other notifications to be sent (to the customers, for example)?

Question #1 / received on 7th January, 2016

Hello, I have a little problem in the IE browser with me in the script hotel booking system at the second step, when I enter the number of rooms, for example, to 1 so you get a place so I continue to jump error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual That corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND t2.date_to> AND t3.room_id =' 1 'GROUP BY t3.room_id' at line 7

Hotel Booking System

The easiest and fastest way to help you will be if we have FTP access to your installation so we can check and fix the reported issue. Please, also send us an URL for the web page where the script is placed and an URL and login for the script administration page.

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