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Questions & Answers

Need a quick solution for some of our scripts?

With the help of our Customer Support team, we have selected the most common questions and queries about our PHP tools. Please, note that they may also refer to previous versions of our products. If you have any other concerns, don’t hold back to contact us for further assistance!

Questions & Answers

Latest Questions

Question #108 / received on 11th January, 2016

If an owner registers on the main rental website should'nt he pay some fees to advertise his property ? In fact looking at the script in detail, I don't really get the main objective of the application ? I had a careful look at the features. I thought everything was clear, but unfortunatly I obviously miss something...

Vacation Rental Script

Owners are not charged for registration but could be charged for publish properties, under Options->Properties. You can either set paid period or free period if set the price to 0.

Question #107 / received on 11th January, 2016

I just bought and installed the developer version of your "Availability Booking Calendar" and did hit some boring bugs.
#1. The name of my calendar dos not show up in the calendar view... it should be called Jonshus
#2. I'm trying to use ISK for the billing and then I get a broken tag showing up in every day at my calendar view like: ISK">.
#3. The Icelandic Language is not working at all even if it's set to default. I was only going to translated some sentences that concern my clients bookings because Its even better using English with the Admin interface. But I also tried to translate some of the back end text just for testing and it dos not work either.
#4 (which is not a bug ... more like an opiton you offer) which is:
I would like to have an Icelandic payment option called "Borgun" and it's listed on your availability list for payment options.

Availability Booking Calendar

The calendar name has to be added for all the languages clicking on the language flags in your Admin panel - Calendars menu - edit calendar option - Settings menu and you will see the calendar name on the front-end part.

We have updated core/framework/components/pjToolkit.component.php file and the calendar does not show the currency. Please, check now.

Please list here, the texts that are translated in the Admin Panel, but does not show correctly and we will update your system ASAP.

About the Payment getaway - please provide here some integration documentation for Borgun payment. We will review the information and will be able to provide you a quote

Question #106 / received on 10th January, 2016

I am very interested in the looks of your Ticket Booking Script.
Is it possible to add more ticket types? I see on the demo that you have "Adult" and "Child". Is it possible in the admin interface to add "Concession" and "Disabled" or something similar to that?

Ticket Booking Script

You can define as many ticket types as you want. They are created dynamically, so what you need is already supported.

Question #105 / received on 10th January, 2016

We have this sommerhouse that our staff can have at their holidays and I would like to use this system for the booking.
One thing I cant see and I don't know if I can modify myself is that the rental period starts from a middle of day to the middle of last day of each period. I'm trying to say when someone is booking the sommerhouse I would like him to see the first and the last day cut in half... do you know what I mean ... :)

Availability Booking Calendar

Yes, there is such functionality by default in the script. To enable it you have to change this option - see attached - from calendar settings. After that days show as half booked and allow other user reservations to start/end on the same date

Question #104 / received on 10th January, 2016

installation everything was okay during the handover at the admin login. After installation, I get the following error code:


Knowledge Base Builder

The error means that the files were changed. If you have not changed the files in purpose please make sure you upload the files in binary mode. You can see how to upload files in binary mode using some of the most popular FTP clients here https://www.phpjabbers.com/knowledgebase/ftp-clients

Please reupload the files - all except app/config/config.inc.php file an you should be fine. Let us know if you still face this issue.

Question #103 / received on 8th January, 2016

Question about your login script. I’m looking for something a bit extended, that works like this:

website admin needs a secured page, where he can fill in a customers email address, his name, and a “timeframe” and has to click on “send”
His customer gets, by this action, a predefined mail (always the same mail, to be created in a back-end enviroment) adressed to him (name filled in in the form) and a (random created) password that gives him acces to password protected info (html on the website) for as long that the timeframe was indicated on that admin form.

It is handy to acces in the backed the list with emails and names (maybe a resend button if client looses his mail) for later commercial actions

Do you have that kind of php-script in your portfolio? Or can you adjust an excisting script to do that. If so what would the cost be for that?

Member Login Script

The Member Login script can be used for the purpose but it will require some modifications.
If I understand properly there will be no "registration", the accounts will be added and handled manually by the admin. Ans there will be no payment for membership. Is that correct?

This script, however, can protect .php pages, it uses a piece of php code that has to be inserted on top of the page so it can be protected. What is the page that you want to protect? Do you use any CMS to manage the website pages or their source code can be edited directly using a text editor?

Question #102 / received on 8th January, 2016

1- The size of writing in an article. I can not control the size of writing
2- The name of a publisher. when the publisher posts his article, I do not know who post it
3- An editor has the ability to delete any article. I want the admin has the ability to delete any article, not the editor
because some editors will delete other articles for other users this will cause a problem to a website's owner.
4- when the users open his account, they can't move to home page from his account. in other words, there is no director link to home page.

PHP News Script

1. The font size can be added in the system and we will do that for you. Just have to let us know after the order is made and we will update your system.

2. Do you mean that you need to see the editor name in the news details page? See the attached file
We can add additional detail field and show the editor name, but this can be made as a custom change. If you are interested and want us to provide you a quote - just let us know.

3. We can remove the delete option from the editor profile as a custom change too. Do you want the editors to be able to see all the news or they should be able to see and edit only their news?

4. By default, the editors can see the following menus: News, Profile, Logout . Do you need additional filed in the Admin Panel, where you will be able to add your website Home Page and to add a link for this Home page in the editor account as a menu or a link?

Question #101 / received on 8th January, 2016

Can I integrate your software in Joomla?
Can the listings have a creation date and an expiration date (with email notification to the admin 15 days before the expiration date?)
Can the listings have textbox type features?( to fill in distance from the nearest airport).
Can we show offers in the front end?(chosen listings by the admin).
How much is the cost for all the above?

Property Listing Script

1) No, the Property Listing script cannot be integrated directly on a Joomla page. It uses a PHP code for front-end integration, and Joomla does not allow such code to be executed on its pages. The only option is to implement the front-end part on an external PHP page and then on the Joomla pages to use iframe code pointing to this external page.

2) The listings have an expiration date, and they can be published based on this expiration date. However, if you need special email notifications sent 15 days before the expiration, it will require some custom coding. We can make this as a modification for a fee.

3) You can include this information in the property description. If you need a special field for the distance from the airport, it can be added as a custom change too.

4) Do you mean that you want to display specific items only on a separate page? Or do you need a special section for "offers"? Can you provide mode details?

Question #100 / received on 8th January, 2016

We just need to put two marks for each room, refundable and nonrefundable, this last one will cost more, but it won't be possible to cancel the reservation paid or once I have reported the data of the credit card.

The implementation of this double price we think we realize with "promo code" and since we want to get some different prices for season (for May from day X to day Y e.i.) we wanted to know if these two settings are in conflict.

We assume the double standard refundable €100 at night and not refundable €80 at night, we put the €20 discount at night like this "promo code" from 5th to 10th of May for double.

The hypothesis refundable €120 part of that is nonrefundable €105 so pulls the promo €15 lines in the limited time of 5/10th of May since the "promo code" €20 lines is worth in general, and we put it from 5th to 10th of May triumphs this last one on that general?

We need to be able to set two prices for each room: refundable and non-refundable. How do I implement this solution?

Hotel Booking System

Where exactly on the front-end do you want to see these two options - refundable and not refundable? Can you send us some screenshots?

Season prices are supported by default. Also, promo codes are supported. But I am not quite sure that I understand properly your idea. Do you mean that two prices will be visible on the front-end for each room - refundable and nonrefundable. If the nonrefundable option is selected then users will be able to enter a promo code that will give them a specific discount (as fixed amount). Is this what you need to have on the front-end?
By default the promo codes in the script can give a discount as fixed amount or percent but not per night. It is calculated from the total reservation amount. Do you mean that you want to set the discount to be valid per period per room and to give a discount as fixed amount per night?

Commercial PHP Scripts

Interactive Image Gallery

Interactive Image Gallery

Use our image gallery web application to make your images interactive by adding hotspots and showing more info.

Fundraising Script

Fundraising Script

An easy-to-use donation script to help you collect funds for a good cause.

Cinema Booking System

Cinema Booking System

Let your clients select and book seats and pay for tickets online.

File Sharing Script

File Sharing Script

Secure in-house file sharing software for online exchange of files with other users.

PHP Poll Script

PHP Poll Script

A PHP voting script with the ability to create web polls with multiple-choice questions.

STIVA Shopping Cart

STIVA Shopping Cart

All the features you need to create a desktop and mobile-optimized online store without the need for a dedicated mobile app.

Restaurant Menu Maker

Restaurant Menu Maker

Our restaurant menu script will add a fancy online menu to your website.

Simple CMS

Simple CMS

Manage your web content through multiple editable sections with our simple content management system script.