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  • Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each

Free Property Widget

Use this Free Property Widget to display property details box on your website. You can use it to show information about a property for sale or rent or a vacation property. Since you have the source code you can easily change our free script usage.

Version: 1.0 / Downloads: 1,836

Free Property Widget

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Get 65 PHP scripts in a bundle for $4.29 each!

*For a limited time only get the best deal ever on the market!

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Our Free Property Widget will display a property details box with multiple sections:

1) General Property Details plus description
2) Image Gallery - upload multiple images
3) Google Map - show your property is located
4) Availability Calendar - ideal if used for rental property
5) Contact Details Section

You have full source codes and can change this fancy property box to anything else you may need - Bio box, Car / Yacht / Truck... details box, etc.


To download Free Property Widget for FREE you need to login your account.

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How to Install

Follow the steps to install this Contact and Social Widget:

1) download the ZIP file and extract all files in a folder on your computer.

2) open the index.html file and copy the code found in the head of the page

3) copy the code in the <div class="box-shell"> container and put it on your web page

4) make sure files in /css/ and /js/ folders are uploaded on your hosting

5) open your web page and Property Widget will load

Need a classified ads script?

Property Listing Script

Property Listing Script

A multivendor real estate PHP script for managing real estate classifieds websites.

User License: $39.00

  • Property Listings Management
  • Properties For Rent and For Sale
  • Homeowners Submissions Available
  • Multi Language Module

Commercial PHP Scripts

Buy all 65 scripts in a bundle for $4.29 each. Learn more